Marcus Vinicius Danieli
Botucatu Medical School, Brazil
Title: The chondral tissue and PRP: Theory to support the use
Biography: Marcus Vinicius Danieli
The hyaline cartilage structure is very complex with few cells and without blood and lymphatic vessels or nerves. This makes the healing potential very limited. Knee cartilage injuries are very common, and its treatment is a major challenge. Surgical options available nowadays like chondroplasty, microfractures, mosaicplasty and autologous chondrocyte transplantation still doesn’t have satisfactory results, mainly in long term. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in orthopedics since 90’s in order to stimulate tissue healing, because of its potential to concentrate platelet derived growth factors in the target place. The goal of the PRP application is to stimulate a better healing environment. PRP has been used in cartilage to treat steoarthritis and to support treatment techniques for chondral injuries. However, the literature is still doubtful regarding the surgical results with PRP application in chondral injuries.